Copywriting Tips for Product Packaging

As a copywriter, it is important that your copywriting is able to make a big impact to audiences without a lot of time or space especially when it comes to product packaging. Here are a few tips to become a better package copywriter.

Font Matters: No matter how creative or compelling your package design is, it all goes down the drain if shoppers struggle to read whats on the label. The goal is to make sure your font is bold enough that is readable. The font you choose should also match your brand style so that it is more identifiable for shoppers.

Be Brief: A good copywriter knows that a few lines could mean the difference between nice looking line breaks and an unsexy jumble of words. People prefer to read something that is concise and easy to digest or you risk losing their attention.

Benefits First: When it comes down to it, the question that needs to be answered for the consumers is “What’s in it for me?”. Load your front sentences with the important benefits of the product and fill the back with the features of the product.

Use Persuasive Language: The language that you use to sell your products or services can have a big impact on whether or not people will buy from you. As consumers, we’re constantly placing ourselves at the forefront of the narrative.



Written by Eidil Fitri bin Ahmad Nazari

One thought on “Copywriting Tips for Product Packaging

  1. I totally agree with all the informative tips given for effective product packaging. Font really does matter as we consumers looks at the outer packaging first when we purchase a product. With small and difficult writings will just be annoying to read and easily missed. Being brief is also another important point because nobody wants to spend time reading passages before buying something. Stating the benefits of the product is vital for consumers as it shows what they are looking for in the specific product. Knowing how to utilize persuasive language is a good technique as well. It may trigger some customers to actually buy the product with good copywriting skills.

    Edited by Chua Jing Wen


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