A good or bad Facebook advertisement?

dollar shave club

(Image source: WordStream)

The above Dollar Shave Club Facebook advertisement caught my attention as it was appealing enough and looks interesting to one’s eyes. It is considered a good advertisement because it included all the necessary components and has an aesthetic, simple image of the product. It targets men and women who uses razor regularly.

The lead line starts off with a question that pain-point the audience about women’s razor being pink. It addresses people’s problem and in this case, regarding gender stereotype thinking. It also provided what the brand delivers with a certain amount of money in a certain time frame. In addition, call to action is given in the ‘read more’ section. The headline is good too as it tells people that using the product is the smartest way. Moreover, the description includes the benefits and reasons why the offer cannot be missed. Basically, it is straightforward and easy to understand for the audience. However, a call to action button is not included at the bottom of the advertisement instead there is a link of the brand’s website stated. 

Written by Chua Jing Wen

3 thoughts on “A good or bad Facebook advertisement?

  1. Additionally, this ad persuades the audience to join the “Dollar Shave Club” because it reassure them that they do not have to commit and pay any fees in order to join the club. Just by paying a few dollars each month, they can get a razor sent to their doorstep. The quote “I like shaving with a dull razor said no one ever” offers the benefits of the product as it suggests that the razors are sharp and precise. Moreover, the headline “Dollar Shave Club. The Smarter Way to Shave.” also tells the audience that they do not have to go out to supermarkets and drugstores to keep repurchasing a razor every month, they can just get the razor delivered to them by paying a few bucks. However, it would have been better if the ad stated how much “a few bucks” is. This could have given the audience a better idea of how much the dollar shave club costs per month which could help attract more audience by being even more straightforward.

    Edited by Gan Lay Ann


  2. Although this ad seems to promote gender equality, it can also be argued that this ad enforces gender stereotypes. It could be seen as a reluctance to be flexible and make specific products based on both genders feedback. Although the statement that women razors do not need to be pink is true, that isn’t to say that women would or should enjoy their product just as well.

    Edited by Eidil Fitri


  3. Aside from that, the Dollar Shave Club advertisement not only promote their product to men only which is a norm by shaving companies, they offer their product to a whole new audience of women. Their lead line “who says a lady razor has to be pink?” includes some humour by poking fun at other grooming companies by saying that razors don’t have to be gender specific. This shows their company’s image of changing societal value thus setting them apart from other companies like Gillette. In conclusion, Dollar Shave Club ways of advertising shows how an ad can determine a brand’s image as well as introduce the same product to new demographics and audience.

    Edited by Averille Goh Qiaowen


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